Christmas is Coming...!

Christmas is coming! I've been busy at school, making little presents and crafts for my family and best friends! Just one more week~yeah~!
I wish we have a white Christmas this year! I told Ducky about that today, and he says he'd rather have Christmas in Hawaii cuz he enjoys the water and beaches better. I said I love snow because snowflakes are soooo amazing. "Two weeks ago, Ms. Jumboree took us outside and we looked at snowflakes with our magnifying glass. Snowflakes are superrrr cooool! They are so prettyyy!" Then Ducky said, "Sand in Hawaii is really cool too! They probably have faces on them when you look under the magnifying glass!" (-___-" Oh Ducky...
Hmm, anyway...I think I'd be happy to see a *pink* Christmas other than a white Christmas too. :P
Ohoh, Our class will be performing a play next week. We're going to be the first class to perform!!! "doki-doki"...! :P Want to know who I'll be in the play??? It's a secret. I will post our performance picture up later! :) Remember to come back and check it out.
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